Training for Safety Representatives
The training for safety representatives has a duration of 2 days and ends with a written examination. All participants receive a certificate after successful examination.
In addition to the high quality you have the business advantage that the downtime of your employees are reduced by up to three days for the same course content against other providers.
The safety representative is a person appointed in writing and is mandatory in companies with more than 20 employees according to the employers liability insurance association (§ 20 DGUV A1 “Principles of Prevention”). More information about safety representatives is provided in the DGUV A1 „Principles of Prevention“.
The Safety Officer is responsible to recognize accident and health hazards at work and to react accordingly. He should monitor whether the mandatory safety devices and equipment are available and used. The employment of safety representatives in his function is honorary only. Safety representatives take part in meetings of the ASA Board also.
Training courses can be organised in short-term also – according to your wishes – both in-house and in our seminar facilities. A cost-saving place to stay is given in the connected “Tryp Hotel” Bochum.
Please contact us, we will send you a customer quote.