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    Education and Qualification

    AS Bauer offers education, trainings and qualifications in the following areas:

    • SCC for operative superiors
    • SCC for operative employees
    • Inhouse HSE trainings
    • Safety Representatives for construction Sites
    • Trainings for fire marshalls / evacuation helpers
    • Health Officers / Work-Life-Management
    • Crane operators
    • Forklift truck drivers
    • Load securing
    • Online training “eLearning24”
    • 1-day-seminar „CE-Marking“

    You decide whether the trainings and examinations of your employees take place in the AS Bauer seminar rooms or on your premises. AS Bauer offers weekend courses also.

    Occupational Health anction and Management Systems


    Checkup and documentation, Occupational Safety, Fire Protection and Management Systems, …allfrom one hand.

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    Health, Safety, Environment as well as Safety Coordinator and Project Personnel


    Health, Safety, Environment belong tot he most important issues in Chemica/Petrochemical Industry Plant and Power Plant Construction.

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    CE-Marking, Product Safety and 1-Day-Seminars


    Guideline-compliant classification and testing of products, equipment, plants … 1-day-seminars with success.

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    Training, Qualification and eLearning24


    Training and SCC Personnel Certification, eLearning24, …express inhouse also.

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    "The CE project management was very efficient. The very high flexibility in handling and implementation of the measures were put in a nutshell and promptly. In project business delays are not desirable. It was highly appreciated to have a partner who was able to implement these skills."

    M. Hürter (Project Manager Thyssen Krupp Tailored Blanks Ltd.)


    "Already after the first friendly conversation we knew that our shutdown is in competent hands with the HSE-staff of AS Bauer. On request, after a few days, an appropriate HSE Manager was on site. The HSE Manager is our central contact for all questions regarding occupational safety on our construction sites and he documents everything in written in order to handle future shutdowns better."

    W. O. HSE Manager (Hitachi)

    Kempchen Dichtungstechnik GmbH

    "With the AS Bauer GmbH we could improve our health and safety management. The reason: We have a perfect matching interface regarding occupational safety in the company with the support of our occupational health and safety specialist. Whether risk assessments, operating instructions or fire protection - AS Bauer Ltd. has appropriate solutions for us always."

    K. Schonebeck (CEO Kempchen Sealing Techniques Ltd.)

    "The cooperation with AS Bauer Ltd. was convincing. The high flexibility and prompt conduction of SCC trainings and associated examinations in particular. We do not have time for delays in our business. It is an enjoyable fact to know a highly performing partner by our side, who knows about our needs."

    Branimir Witt (Agency Management Base Plus DIGITAL MEDIA)