First Aid in Companies
What to do if a colleague is injured at work and it’s not just a scratch that can be covered with a plaster quickly? Not to panic is the primary target. To avoid this quite natural response to accidents the AS Bauer team ensures that the company’s employees are prepared for such emergencies optimally.
An efficient first aid is required to keep the injury consequences of accidents as low as possible. For this reason first aid is one of the most important measures to improve the safety and health of employees in companies and projects. Depending on the type of business and the number of employees, the management of a company to provide all necessary conditions and equipment for a functioning first aid.
- Appointment of first aiders (10% of all emplyees should be trained first aiders)
- Instruction of employees regarding behaviour in case of emergency
- Checkup of first aid material
- Documentation of first aid treatment (first aid book)
The training for first aiders takes two days. A refreshing course must be attended every 2 years. We would be glad to advise you on these issues. Please contact us!